How to Hold a Pencil

Charlotte Mason said, “It would be a great gain if children were taught from the first to hold the pen between the first and second fingers, steadying it with the thumb. This position avoids the uncomfortable strain on the muscles produced by the usual way of holding a pen - a strain which causes writer’s cramp in later days when there is much writing to be done.”

- Home Education p. 239

Holding a pencil is a skill that many people over look but is a good one to have. It improves one’s penmanship as well as reduce muscle cramps as Miss Mason says. Holding a pencil correctly is also good for developing good, strong, muscles.

How to teach good penmanship

1. Pencil grip
A pencil grip is a great way to introduce how to hold a pencil correctly. The only thing is that it doesn’t feel natural and can feel like it’s actually getting in the way.

2. Triangle pencils
Triangle pencils are my favorite even for adults who need a reminder on how to hold a pencil correctly. The pencil is triangular shaped so that one finger goes on each side of the triangle.

Now skills for the mother-teacher

As a mother-teacher it will be required of us to be gentle in our approach and have a lot of patience. One will have to repeat how to hold a pencil countless times and remind them to hold the pencil correctly.

Did you know holding a pencil was an important skill?

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